One time, long ago, there was a lone Pishar, as Pishar so often tend to be, with several children, all yet unhatched. The Pishar wanted to protect their children-to-be, so they built a nest. It was a small nest, but it was comfortable, and it kept out the rain and the wind and the sun.

One day while the Pishar was away from the nest, it started to rain. It was only a little rain at first, but it quickly grew into a violent storm, and all the Pishar could do was find shelter in a nearby cave.
When the storm died down, the Pishar raced back to their nest, eager to check on their children-to-be. Upon entering they let out a cry of surprise, for inside their nest was a Naza that the Pishar had never seen before.

"Are you the one who built this dwelling?" the Naza asked.
"I am," the Pishar replied, apprehensive of the stranger. "And I would appreciate it if you took your leave of it. The storm is over, and you are free to continue on your way."
But the Naza continued to talk, undeterred by the Pishar's nervous request. "You must be very proud. I would have never thought such a small nest would be so comfortable! And it was so protected from the elements, I hardly knew there was a storm outside at all."
"It is only right that I have made the nest as it is, for I have many children-to-be that I must tend to," replied the Pishar, hoping the Naza would take the hint and leave.
"Might you make this nest larger, so that I may stay here?" asked the Naza. "I doubt I could find a better dwelling, even if I were to travel for months on end."
"Where would I find the time to do such a thing?" asked the Pishar. "My children-to-be will hatch soon, and they will not feed or tend to themselves. My days will be filled with providing for them."
"I will look after your children," said the Naza. "And you can look after the nest."
The Pishar considered the Naza's proposition, the hesitation they felt at first now completely gone. Raising children was fine, they thought, but building was better.
"Very well," agreed the Pishar.
The Pishar's children-to-be hatched, and the Naza kept their word: they raised the children as a loving parent, and the Pishar kept their word: the nest grew larger and sturdier, and there was enough room to fit the Pishar's family and the Naza comfortably.

When the cold season arrived, so too did a Zra seeking warmth.
"This is a wonderful home," said the Zra. "May I stay here? Do not think I ask for charity! In return I will teach you the ways of livestock, and of cultivating the land. With my teachings, providing for everyone will not be so difficult."

The Naza and Pishar agreed. The Pishar and their children, now grown enough to feed and tend to themselves, began expanding the nest to make room for the new Zra, and the Naza tended to the livestock and the land.
The nest became larger than ever before, and it was still comfortable, and it still kept out the rain and the wind and the sun.

But it could not keep out everything.
One day, a terrible monster attacked their home. It tore up the fields and slaughtered the livestock. It saw the nest and knew there would be things living in it, so it began to break through the nest, eager to satisfy its bloodlust.

As it entered the nest and set its sights upon the inhabitants, a Sodana appeared and began to fight the terrible monster!
The battle was fierce, beast versus beast, claw versus claw. But the Sodana won and drove the monster away, and everyone was safe again.

"You've saved us! Please, stay and you will not want for shelter, for food, or for company."
"Very well." replied the Sodana.
The Pishar and their children rebuilt the nest. And for every monster afterward that tried to attack it, the Sodana was there to protect them. Soon, the nest began to attract other families looking for a home that was comfortable, warm, and safe from the rain and the wind and the sun, and from monsters.
With so many families now living in the nest, the Pishar and their children decided to build more nests, for everyone, and their community grew.
They were all happy and flourished together.

One day, the very first monster that attacked them had returned. It bore scars from its fight against the Sodana, but it was bigger than before. The Sodana once more took to battle, and this time felled the beast for good, but not before the beast inflicted a mortal wound upon the Sodana.

All mourned the Sodana, their protector, for their community could not have grown so much without the Sodana.

But a few days later, with the community still mourning the loss of their friend and protector, the Sodana rose from their grave, alive and well! The wounds they sustained in their last battle glistened beautifully, and everyone celebrated for as many days as they had mourned.
The Sodana continued to protect the community as it grew in size, from village, to town, to city.
Over centuries they watched friends and family come and go, and thus became known as the oldest Sodana, the first protector.